GUESS WHAT is the artist driving in the wooden case around the world and WIN A GIFT PACKAGE!
GUESS WHAT is the artist driving in the wooden case around the world and WIN A GIFT PACKAGE!
Vesna Mačković, awarded multidisciplinary artist, is starting an artistic travel around the world during which in two years time it will result with in an intriguing documentary film. The travelling project is starting from her hometown Sisak, continuing through Croatian capital city Zagreb, and continues to first segment of the world travel during which she will reach USA (Pittsburgh, New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Betlehem) and Scotland (Edinburgh). After a short break in Zagreb for the premiere of her duet with Brazilian actor Robson Catalunha the travel continues In Brazil. Further paths for the end of the 2019. and 2020. the artist will announce on her Facebook wall piece by piece.
IMPORTANT: The artist is inviting artists and activists around the world that would want to know more about this project and possibly participate in the performance to contact her so their country/city gets included on her 2-year travelling route!
Wanting to intrigue her regular audience and public media the artist announced a call for the guessing game. The person who by the time the airplane takes off from Zagreb to Pennsylvania on September 27th 2019. guesses what is it that the artist is going to be driving around the world for two years inside the wooden case will receive from the artist a gift: an interesting prop from one of her shows (one of the dolls from he show “Smoke and mirrors”) and the poetry booklet from one of her shows (dance show “Intensities”).
Knjižica poezije iz suvremeno-plesne predstave “Intenziteti”, Vesna Mačković Rekviziti iz suvremeno-plesne predstave “Dim i ogledala” – lutke izradila Diana Mihalić
The guessing game will go on at the Facebook wall of the producer art company ARKTIK – The Institute for the Future:
All questions asked with corresponding answers will daily be published besides on Facebook also at the www page:
Rules: the players can ask exclusively the questions which can be answered with “YES” or “NO”. If the questions had double meaning as for example “Is the thing in the case of yellow color?” the answer will be “YES” if it is yellow, but also if it is yellow and red and of other colors at the same time. So the players should be careful in how they ask their questions, in this example maybe it is wiser to ask “Is the thing in the case exclusively of yellow color?”.
Besides answering the questions asked by the players few times per day, the artist will also daily publish a piece of photo of what is inside the case or a hint informations about it’s physical or functional characteristics.