Permanent public call (international) for the production of artworks and/or workshops

“Art available to everyone” initiative
IF Festival – A festival of asking questions
Production: ARKTIK – Institute for the Future
What is the purpose of this call?
The purpose of this call is to enable artists to reduce or remove financial barriers in the realization of their programs (works/workshops).
This invitation is part of the IF Festival – Festival of asking questions, in the production of which, since the pilot year 2019, three art projects have been financially supported.
There are several principles on which this year-round festival is based and on which project proposals should rest to be considered at all. Get to know them in detail before you send your proposal so that in the very beginning your efforts would not be in vain and our time wasted.
1. “Art accessible to everyone” initiative –
2. Mission and goals set at the founding of the non-profit art organization ARKTIK – Institute for the Future –
Through the IF festival, we have so far financially supported these art projects:
- In 2019, a dance production project was realized, and the selected work is that of Jacques Valente: Language Variations – Level 1 created as part of the International Day of Sign Languages.
- In 2019, an online exhibition of curatorial digital art was held, as part of the Pivilion project organized and supported by Format C, and the topic was – censorship.
- In 2020, the Let them eat cake project was launched, the concept of which invited those interested to turn baking bread and cakes into a performance during which they were invited to sing or recite verses by authors whose works were created on selected socially engaged topics. from the year-round thematic plan.
What is the application deadline?
This call is permanent. The only thing you need to do is send your idea, and our sharp senses will constantly review the applications and choose the ones we think the public needs to hear/see.
There will always be something to say to the world, and we prefer sending messages through art. After all, we are the inhabitants of the world, and the world is our team.
We respond three times a year, and if we see that artwork is very interesting, important, and deals with an urgent topic, then we send the answer immediately.
Who does ARKTIK – Institute for the Future support?
Simply put- everybody. The young/old, children/adults, individuals/groups, authors from every part of the world, all known universes, all skin colors, religions, nationalities… It doesn’t matter if you are a professional artist or do art once a year, it doesn’t matter to us. The only thing that matters is that you show us artistic imagination, creative enthusiasm, and an intense sense of the world around you.
What ideas come into consideration?
ARKTIK positively discriminates against unexpected combinations, lucid art, experimental identities.
- We accept ideas from all fields of art: dance, music, painting, sculpture, multimedia, theatre, film and everything that you may consider true art, even forms that we have not mentioned.
- We value innovation and an open mind when it comes to methods and techniques. Modern technology is positively discriminated against.
- It is desirable that the works are adaptable for online presentation.
- The goal is for the submitted projects to be socially engaged, to send a socially conscious message, to reflect on the world, to speak on behalf of those who cannot. We are not proponents of the “art for art’s sake” style, and such works will not be considered.
- At this link:
There is an IF festival calendar. Please note that, since this call is part of the IF festival, the submitted artworks must be related to one of the dates and topics offered in the IF festival calendar, and if a socially important date or topic is missing you are free to suggest that we include it.
What should the application contain?
- Portfolio related to the type of art for which you are applying, with at least 3 works, and if you are a beginner (welcome!). If you don’t have 3 works to show, then we expect a sketch or draft proposal. If you have a portfolio, still do not hesitate to send us your sketch of the idea you are applying for because this increases the chances of your idea being realized and created faster and better. We accept sketches in a format that will best approximate the idea and method of your work, so it is recommended that performing artists send video or sound, visual video or photographs, writers sample text, etc. For those who have a portfolio related to the art they are applying for, we emphasize that a list of artworks with at least 3 links should be provided where we can view them at least partially – this implies that we cannot know what you are aiming at, therefore you must apply with a draft proposal. We do not look at your portfolios because we must, but because we are interested in what is realistic in them.
- Motivation letter exclusively in the form of a video up to a maximum of 1 minute in which you should briefly introduce yourself and convince us why we should choose your artwork. Imagination is more than welcome here, do not hesitate to relax and be yourself, that is exactly what we appreciate and are looking for.
- Written concept should be maximum 1 page of text, additional pages can contain sketches.
- Information about the planned workspace must be in your production because we do not have a workspace to provide
- Bill of quantities, budget sorted by amounts and types of costs:
- minimum required budget (includes other sources of funding and / or compromise around the production of the project itself) – if we allocate it then you commit that the project really goes into production.
- ideal budget – in the budget we look at and evaluate your approach to production quality, promotion of work, public promotion of the topic of work and vision of the possibility of life of this work at least some time after the end of the support.
Depending on our financial capabilities, we support your project with an amount that will be between the minimum and ideal budget.
How many art projects do we plan to support?
We do not have a particular answer to this question. If your idea is innovative and if the concept of your work is interesting, and at the same time you follow our mission, then you are a perfect candidate.
The total amount of grants we will award annually will depend on our efficiency in the various grant tenders, and on our donors and sponsors.
Who decides?
It’s not until the fat lady sings. Our singer, sorry selector and producer, is not a bit fat, but her word is the very last.
Vesna Mačković is a „hyper multi mega”, “all over the place” type of person and so is her art. She deals with everything imaginable, from theatre through film and painting to sound and dance. She has exhibited and performed her numerous and award-winning works in Croatia and around the world. More about the founder of the art organization ARKTIK – Institute for the Future can be found at the link
Comments on tickets to our shows, film premieres, and concerts, only some of which we bring here, are what we want to produce as much as possible. Help us achieve that, join us.